Saturday, July 25, 2009

This was seen in the Men's Room at an office building in Makati.

I just thought the whole world should know. :P

Lovers in an FX

It's just too sweet. This young couple asleep in each others arms, holding

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

On Newspapers and Accidents

(Note: this is dark humor)

There's a funny threat in Tagalog, "Gusto mong ma-dyaryo?! O Matakpan ng dyaryo?!" (Do you want to be in the papers or be covered in newspapers?)

When there's an accident here, the best and most immediate way people 'sanitize' the crime scene is by covering up the blood, gore & dead bodies with sheets of old newspaper. No kidding.

I'm actually laughing at this anecdote. Our driver who used to be a taxi driver witnessed a gory car accident.  The injured person was still breathing when an officious by-stander stepped in with a stack of newspapers & started covering the person. He actually had to yell, "Hoy! Stop it! The person's still alive, moron!"

Monday, April 6, 2009

Cellphones with Speakers

I H-A-T-E them.

I hate people who use them in public transportation WITHOUT earphones AND on HIGH volume.

I mean, WHY?!!

Fine fine, they're probably the latest model from Timbuktu . Have you considered that WE, your fellow passengers, don't want to hear the crap music you listen to?! Haven't you heard of earphones?

The fx is already playing crappy radio music with announcers laughing in dolphinese, how could you even attempt to drown it with sounds from your puny cellphone??!!!

Hah! It's a good thing your battery can't even last through 3 songs.

If you pulled that stunt for coolpoints, sorry to break it to you hon, you just had a monumental failed attempt.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


My fellow FX passenger's obscure Filipino dialect's driving me nuts.

It's awfully familiar but I can't place if it's Cebuano, Illongo, Chabacano or Ilocano.

I'm sorely tempted to stalk and ask them outright.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Gym Street Ad

Saw this makeshift ad for a simple neighborhood gym painted on the fence:



When I pass that way again, I'll try to get a picture.